Use AFD to Validate Email Address and Telephone Number Information
You can validate email address and telephone number information in ebs with the functionality provided by AFD software:

Email address validation is enabled or disabled in AFD institution settings.
To lookup an email address in ebs: central:
- Open the relevant module to edit or add a new email address for a learner, organisation or member of staff.
Email address validation is enabled or disabled in AFD institution settings.
Enter an email address into the Email Address field.
Invalid or incomplete email addresses are highlighted with an orange border, which disappears if the address passes validation.
You can hover the cursor over the Email Address field to display a tooltip.

To lookup an email address in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub:
- Navigate to the My Details page.
Email address validation can be enabled or disabled in AFD institution settings.
Enter an email address into the Personal Email field.
Invalid or incomplete email addresses are highlighted with a red border, which disappears if the address passes validation.
You can hover the cursor over the Personal Email field to display a tooltip

To validate a telephone number in ebs: central:
- Open the relevant module to edit or add a new telephone number.
Telephone validation is enabled or disabled with the AFD Phone Validation (Central) institution setting.
Enter a telephone number into either the Mobile Number or Emergency Number field.
Valid telephone numbers can be entered with or without spaces (for example: 0123 456 7891 or 0123 456 7891). You can also validate telephone numbers that include an international dialling code (for example: +441234567891 or 00441234567891).
Click Save. Alternatively, click the Validate Phone button.
A confirmation message is displayed when validation is successful.
A warning messages advises when telephone numbers are invalid or incomplete.
Invalid or incomplete telephone numbers are highlighted with an orange border, which disappears if the number passes validation.

To validate a telephone number in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub:
- Navigate to the My Details page.
Telephone validation is enabled or disabled using the AFD Phone Validation (Ontrack) institution setting.
Enter a telephone number into either the Mobile Phone Number or Emergency Number field.
Valid telephone numbers can be entered with or without spaces (for example: 0123 456 7891 or 0123 456 7891). You can also validate telephone numbers that include an international dialling code (for example: +441234567891 or 00441234567891).
Invalid or incomplete numbers are indicated by gold field name text.
The field name text colour reverts to black if the number passes validation.
Click Save.
A warning messages advises when telephone numbers are invalid or incomplete.